A midsummer’s bee
sat upon a beautiful tree,
the flowers were fine,
and some looked sublime.
The midsummer bee loved the summer morning
because it was a time when birds started calling.
The sun started shining
when the moonlight started hiding.
the birds started to sing
with their heart beneath their wing
they flew out of their trees
and over the bees
the midsummer bee
looked up to see
that the birds looked so pretty
and far away from the city
the countryside was the best place to be
for this midsummer bee.
He was happy to see
the tree
on this fine day
while he noticed the hay
on the pretty looking farm
he heard the crickets in the distance
without no assistance
to bring us the sound of the summer
this midsummer.
During this season
there was a reason
why nature was happy -
the sun was at its brightest
the nights were at their lightest
the days were long
and nature sang its song
the flowers were all in bloom
while there was no gloom
the bees had plenty of food
which made this season so good
what gave the bees their magical powers
was the abundance of all the flowers.
A midsummers bee,
was as happy as thee,
who sat outside enjoying the sun
because the summer season is just so much fun.
So when you see a midsummer bee, please be kind
and don’t be blind
he has a life
so don’t give him strife
please be kind to our summer friend
his sparkly eyes will see your kindness
A midsummer’s bee is a friend to thee.
A beautiful tribute to the bee 🐝 ❤️